There is no single answer to this question. The choice of system depends on the size of the room intended for the system, on its purpose. The choice of system is influenced by the number of uterine plants and the variety of species that are going to grow. Will, there be a decorative garden for beauty, or will vegetables be grown for food, and can combine benefits with beauty? Will you grow only cuttings for their distribution, or will it be a full cycle before harvesting? Usually, the more perfect the system and the faster the growth of plants, the more attention it needs to be paid.
Many hydroponic systems require significant financial costs. They are produced by small enterprises that do not possess serious capacities and equipment. Significant costs should not upset, as the initial investment will quickly pay off a good harvest. Since the main part of expenses consists of labor remuneration, any craftsman will be able to reduce costs and make a similar system from materials purchased at a hardware store or from a company engaged in the production of components for hydroponics. If the amount of the budget when deciding on a system is decisive, then it is possible not to buy it as a finished product, but to assemble the components yourself by purchasing components. This will help to optimize the cost of creating the installation.
When choosing your system, one of the decisive factors is the root space ? the volume of the container in which the roots are to grow. The most striking difference between a plant grown in the ground and a plant grown in a container is the size of the root felt. For some plants with a large root system, for example, tomatoes, the space reserved for root felt in groundless systems is almost 10 times less than in the soil (cf. 200 liters and +/- 20 liters). This has major implications for the processing, replenishment and irrigation of this root felt. Moreover, when the plant is established, and root felt has fully developed, the roots do not stop growing throughout the life of the plant, replacing damaged or dead parts, in search of new sources of water and nutrients.
There is no growth of healthy plants without reproduction and elongation of the roots. So, over time, the root felt becomes denser, especially in a closed container. In such a situation, the oxygenation of the root zone becomes the most important factor. Changes also occur in the balance of absorption of mineral substances. If it is good to take care of the root felt, then this shortened root felt will increase its efficiency in comparison with the large root felt. You need to make sure that the volume of pots and gutters provides enough space for root growth. Various studies have shown that the depth of the container is more important than its width: the root felt should be given as much vertical space as possible.
The choice of the system is determined by the purpose for which it is created.
See also:
Free Expert Advice for Growing Vegetables and Fruits Hydroponically - Questions and Answers
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