
Our lettuce,tomatoes capsicum growing well in our off grid solar powered 20 Dutch bucket and nft system The tangelo tree in coco peat now getting fruit

capsicum growing well

tomatoes growing well

lettuce growing well

coco peat

tangelo growing well

Can we grow the any vegitable only use the coco peat or mix some other material in cock peat
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    • Allan Ward
      Just coco peat rubban
What nutrient do you use?
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    • Allan Ward
      We mix our own nutrients so different nutrients for different varieties of vegetables and fruit
    • Edwin R Canasa
      can you tell or teach me how to mix the nutrient thank you.
    • Jennifer Kickbush
      Hi I am new to this, could I be rude and ask you how the Dutch bucket system works please?
    • Allan Ward
      We are still trailing different mixes for different varieties of plants at the moment
    • Allan Ward
      Our Dutch buckets have nutrient water pumped into the top net pot on a timer using solar power The water falls through hydroton which is around the plant to the bottom of the bucket Then the water returns back to a reservoir