
This Pak Choi looks healthy but it does not taste normal but with a sourish tinge when cooked. Anyone can share if it is due to acidic water or lack of certain nutrients?

pak choy healthy plant

What is distance between each hole
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How old is it? It seems overly matured
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To heavy on the nitro. You can tell from the dark green colour and the twisting of the leaves
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    • Dennis Yap
      This Pak choy is the stunted variety with curly leaf
    • Dave Person
      Dennis Yap I know. Just trying to help. What you think the problem is and the solution is.
Face it hydroponics won't ever taste like earth grown food my pok choy is dark green and I eat it raw taste delishious in a fresh salad
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I think ppm to high as pak Choi will have dark green leaves if to much nutrients
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