
Hey everyone my question pertains to the kratky method in 5 gallon buckets,

how much nutrients do I use because from my understanding it needs to be strong enough to support almost its entire life cycle. Am I correct in thinking that?

I will be be doing Habanero peppers and watermelons

kratky method in 5 gallon buckets

You need a Ppm meter.
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Kratky is usually lower ppm like 300-500
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Hit me up on messenger, give you the method to the madness
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You can allways add more if it is too work and learn the correct recipe for next time. Or you can start to high and then guess when you have to flush and start over.
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sir please could you give where can avail the solution fo hydrophonic farming? thaks for your reply
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It depends on how many plants you're looking to grow
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But I've used the FloraSeries before and they are extremely concentrated so those bottles should make you a very large volume of nutrients
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I used to use GH flora series like yours but it got expensive to keep ordering, paying to ship the water that is in the concentrate gets expensive. I use Masterblend now but I dose the normal dose for the whole cycle for my tomatoes. I have a chart here that I'll take a pic of, it's the GH Flora series application chart for a drain to waste and recirculating systems. I would dose a kratky as a circulation system. This is the basic formula
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    • Eric McGlown
      I'm confused, paying to ship water?
    • Brian Dunning
      Your nutrients are suspended in a water solution. Mine are in dry form. So I would get more nutrients for the dollar cause I'm not paying to ship the weight of the water that GH nutrients are suspended in.
Follow the ratios on the bottle, you'll be fine if you're just doing one plant per bucket.
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Here's the expert chart. Cause I'm not sure what nutrients you plan to use
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Micro, Bloom, grow 1-3 ml each per gallon per bucket. Change water once a week.
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    • Eric McGlown
      so I do need to change out the water weekly?
    • Sean McClellan
      I do not change mine for lettuce with Kratky. When I grow tomatoes i have to add solution because they get very thirsty.
    • Chris King
      you can just top it off but bacteria will grow eventually and also be consuming nutrients and eventually roots. It has a pretty bad smell. My 5 gallon buckets consume about 2 gallons a week. ( Inside under a t5) I also use and air pump and stone which is deep water culture bit Kratky but the air circulation increases root production and decreases bacterial bloom.
It’s not about being “strong enough to last” it’s about having enough to last at the proper EC for the plant. So for lettuce, you want whatever EC it likes, but enough solution to last its lifespan. Kratky’s original paper aimed for roughly a month lifespan and a gallon per head. When I do 5 heads per 5 gallon bucket, they don’t use half of that (in my setup).
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