
I have grown things aquaponcally before but would like to switch to outdoor hydroponics so as so get more sun. I have a decent understanding of the different methods taking from my knowledge of aquaponics however i know nothing about choosing the right nutrients and how often nutrients agoyld be replenished. Youtube lead me down a VERY boring and unhelpful path. Can anyone offer any advice? I would like to do spinach, kale, onion, garlic, broccoli, and potatoes if at all possible.

Can make your own from scratch or hit the hydro shops

aquaponcs nutrients formula

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    • Tiffany Robinson

      hydro shops? I doubt there are any around here. Is there a website to buy from?

    • Terry Smith

      Tiffany Robinson there's products you can buy online I prefer to make mine from scratch and copy there's lol cheaper

    • Terry Smith

      eBay and Amazon

Ive been getting mine from aquagardening in Brissy. I live in CQ. Lots of info on their sight as well. Have just started using their Euro Bloom Part A and B nutrient with great success so far. Transplanted seedling and have had no problems

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    • Tiffany Robinson

      im in Florida (states) and have not tried anything at all bit im getting close to buying something.

This is what they sold me at my hydroponic store. They sure seem pricey to me at $20.00 a bottle.

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