4 Answers

Do.you guys flush your vegetables before harvest how does on simply do this if the system has many different types that are ready before some....
Also im.doing zucchini in dwc how do you flush that?
With zucchini ia ready more will be going so if you flush the plant wont be getting nutrients for the remaining vegetables that are still growing...

Didn’t this get asked this week already? No flushing just pick, wash and eat.

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Flushing is for hydroponic marijuana. It's to get the nutrients out of the buds so you can smoke them. I don't believe you're Going to smoke your vegetables. I don't even wash Just pick and to eat I didn't spray anything on them.

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    • John Di Cesare

      thanks thats what i thougut im familiar with flushing MJ just wasn't sure about the vegetables i dont spray anything as well thanks alot for the info

    • Steven Franey

      photos or it didn't happen

    • John Correia

      you should wash them unless you're drying them. You can give yourself a nasty bacterial sickness.

    • Brian Tetreault

      where I would agree about washing usually I have a very clean system and things dont get wet or cut without clean utensils. Washing in many cases can actually cause damage and potentially place bacteria in vegetables if not from a sterile source.

I flush for 1 day after every 5-7 days feeding cycle. All my veggies are sweet crispy and delicious. Flushing makes a huge difference in health and quality.

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Every 2nd flush cycle I also like to run alot of water in volume through the roots to flush out anything dead or rotting, it also helps get rid of ants if they have moved in, they are terrible for bringing in and farming thrips on your plants.

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