10 Answers

Anyone else trying strawberries? I have 15 plants with half starting to send out runners :) but 4-5 of the others are starting to show brownish-reddish edges on their leaves. Any suggestions on what is wrong or what to do? I've treated them all the same so I dont understand how some are going good and these arent. They are kratky style.

strawberry growing using kratky method

what system do you have?

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    • Ruth Dreizigacker


    • Alejandra Lavin

      strawberries dont like to have water on its roots all the time, i had them on dwc and that kept happening to me, until i switched to a aeroponic and then they grew like crazy.

    • Ross Bauer

      I love aero are you high pressure or low?

    • Alejandra Lavin

      i no longer have my system, now i do an outdoor tower garden with dirt, but i miss my strawberries, lol

    • Ross Bauer

      Alejandra Lavin hows your tower garden ? I thought about one outside but might go more hydro outside too lol

    • Ross Bauer

      Unfortunately there is no surgeon general's warning for Hydroponics

    • Alejandra Lavin

      it works nice, the problem is i got it right before the winter started, lol, i thought about converting it into a hydroponic garden, but dirt its just easier, even if it takes longer and doesn't grow as big

    • Ross Bauer

      I'm already not looking forward to weeding my garden beds

    • Alejandra Lavin

      i live on an apartment and have it on my balcony, weeds aren't a big problem for me.

    • Ross Bauer


      it's small but kinda all I got for space on my property plus 3 barrels

Have you checked the roots lately for any evidence of root rot? A slimy build up. May need to add an air stone to aerate or even some 3% hydrogen peroxide to add oxygen and kill off any bacteria. 3ml per gallon of water about every 4 days. Food grade H2O2 is best vs the stuff in the health isle at the store. Store stuff ahs stabilizers in it that aren't really too good for plants but it'll work in a pinch

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    • Ruth Dreizigacker

      Where do you find food grade H2O2?

Hydroponic stores should have some. But I ordered mine from here. It's a concentration so I have to dilute it by 11 times, so this one gallon is actually 12 gallons worth.

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    • Daimon Clarke

      the only thing I would say is you could easily get six or eight pots per lid.. your not maximising you light space..

    • Ruth Dreizigacker

      These are 3 gallon totes and my first try so I dont know how big the plants will get. I can always add more holes later for the next batch but I cant undrill a hole.

Strawberries do best in flood and drain type system

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    • Davina Theresa Simpson

      oh, that's interesting! I am soon to try some strawberries, taking out the satellites out of my soil tub situation.

    • Ross Bauer

      My strawberries do best in aero

    • Ross Bauer

      It's all personal preference.. just go for what sounds most fun or the space you got.... NFT (tubes on walls) ebb and flow is a table horizontally like a flower bed that a pump water's, DWC is s bucket full of water with air stone giving air to the water for the roots,.... the common strawberry problem is people getting the crowns wet so as long as you can keep your crowns out of any water then you're ok :-)

What is the nute solution used by you

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I first had Fox Farms when I started these in mason jars but switched to Master Blendwhen I switched to the totes. Passive Kratky system.

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its very easy for the solution in kratky to go anaerobic, (bad bacteria). The addition of some good bacteria like maybe hydroguard ?

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    • Ross Bauer

      love hydro guard amazing investment

Raise the lights too close probably.

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I have 5 totes, all started at the same time, the same way, sitting in the same location with the same lights and 2 totes of plants are doing great with some flowers starting to show. The only difference that I can think of is that I had to get totes from 2 different stores so maybe the ones from one store came into contact with something the others didnt. Im cleaning the ones with problems with the H2O2 as suggested and will let everyone know. Thanks for all the help & suggestions! :)

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strawberry in kratky

Cleaned out the totes this morning and there was some slimy starting to build up. Redid the nutrients and added a little H2O2 as suggested and we will cross our fingers that the plants will recover. Weird that one of the 5 totes is doing really well and I have my first flower

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