
Can plants absorb light from below?

Say for example, I want to create a nice looking planter box (wood) and grow some strawberries in it indoors using a rain gutter style hydro system.

Could I run a strip of led lights on the inside of the box to provide light so that its hidden within the box.

For the sake of discussion, let's assume:

  • the light produces enough power -
  • the reservoir isn't a concern

If the light source is below the leaves (say equal height or slightly above where the stem comes out of the pot), can the plant live? Or does the light source have to be on top of the leaves?

Does it depend on the plant?

injunction with lights on top I would say yes with out ligjts on top I would say chances are they won't grow correctly plants grow towards light

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    • Davina Theresa Simpson

      Yes, they may get 'confused' with lights above and below? I see below that others have reported success though

I wonder though if vining plants would work for this?

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It might work amazing.

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It is called interlighting and is used all the time in large scale hydroponics.

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I use interlighting and it works great. I seem to get larger yields.

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