
My tomato growing comparison has begun. I’m growing Sungold Selects four different ways (aeroponically in Tower Garden, hydroponically in aerated DWC, in wicking pot and in raised bed) to see how the plant growth, fruit production and fruit flavor varies. (Southern California, Zone)

Are they all outside? 

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    • Mary Miller

      Yes they are.

I just measured them after 11 weeks to see how they were doing. 

The raised bed sungold tomato plant contracted a severe case of early blight. I wasn’t surprised because we had a very long string of rainy days here in Southern California.... Although I pruned back the affected leaves and treated the plant with serenade organic spray, it never really recovered, so got pulled out. 

The tomato plant growing in the wicking tub has grown to about 37”, is double stem pruned (2 main stems) and has started flowering. Other than (lots of) rain water, the pot has received about 4 gallons of Masterblend nutrient solution - 2 feedings - provided to the roots of the plant. At planting, 1/2 cup of Trifecta fertilizer (from MIgardener) was added to the peat enhanced potting mix.

The sungold tomato plant that is growing with the Kratky method using the same Masterblend nutrient solution has reached 19”, is single stem pruned in order to maintain a smaller root mass, and has no flowers blooming yet. As of today, no nutrient solution has been added, although I am certain that some rainwater has infiltrated both this reservoir and that of the DWC tomato plant.

The tomato plant that is growing using DWC (using the same size reservoir as the Kratky tomato plant) has grown to 21”, is single stemmed, has no flowers blooming yet and is using the same Masterblend combo nutrients as the others. It is using a solar pump with two air stones. The solar panel is sensitive enough to continue running the air pump during the daytime, despite cloud cover and rain.

Finally, the sungold tomato plant being grown in the Tower Garden has reached 38”, double stemmed, and has not only flowers but 5 green tomatoes on it. The TG is using the same Masterblend combo nutrient solution, flowing in 15 min on/15 min off cycles.

All plants are being grown in the same yard under the same ambient growing conditions.

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Because the Tower Garden is a sealed aeroponic System, the nutrient solution was not affected by rainfall.

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tomato growing comparison aeroponically

tomato growing comparison tower garden

tomato growing comparison dwc

tomato growing comparison wick

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